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Countryside-Rem Koolhaas on the hot seat

The reviews of Countryside have been unkinder than necessary. I found the vintage Technicolor graphics from China and Russia that Rem Koolhaas and team made into wallpaper, the undulating curtain with images that evoke the countryside from Marie Antoinette’s Hameau to Arcadia,  inserts that ranged from hippie communes to gorillas, bathroom columns plastered with urban cowboys, Town and Country and Country Life magazine, Lego Sets and freestanding 19thcentury paintings a pleasurable and provocative riot of imagery and text (on the floor, walls and ceiling of the Guggenheim ramps). It was crowded and people were stopping to read, observe the plant life and tractor, watch the many videos. It’s as if Rem predicted that the Coronavirus would arrive and we would all want to flee into nature—which itself, he says is sorely compromised by climate change etc. It’s a perfect hike up the ramp into the Countryside.  Go to the Guggenheim website for more images as alas the exhibition is now closed.